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Sonia Gómez Gijón
I'm an Engineering student at the University of Granada.
This website shows all the projects developed in the Printed Circuit Technology Subjec
We've used SolidWorks to create 3D models and with a 3D printer we create one of the designed pieces.
The projects we've made are shown below
We've made a project in Altium that consists on design a pcb for al the necessary components to control a remote control boat. Some of this components are a GPS and GSM module, a RaspberryPi3 and the L298n driver module.
Here we show some photos and videos of the final result
To improve our soldering skills, we bought this kit that contains a PCB and the smd components.
In addition, I've made this pcb with red LEDs
We have also made some real engenieering problems 
- Hot bed dissipation
- Operacional Amplifier
- Ohmic and dielectric losses for microstrip on a PCB