Printed Circuits Technology
On this page I will explain the different activities we have done during the course 2019/2020 in the subject of Printed Circuits Technology, taught by Andrés Roldán Aranda. I thank him for teaching us patiently many interesting things.

In this course we have learned how to use two important programs for an engineer. One of them is Altium Designer, which we used for designing PCBs. The other one is Solidworks, we learned designing 3D models using it.

Furthermore, I will explain some of the theoretical exercises that we have solved.

For more information, please continue reading the post.

This subject is taught in the degree of Telecommunication Engineering at the University of Granada.

Sharif Al- Husein Raie
Currently, I am a Telecommunication Engineering student, I am studyng the specialty of Electronics Systems and this is my last year of the bachelor.
projects & exercises
This is the main project of the course. Each student had an integrated project allocated. In my case have designed a PCB for a scale with a 7 segments display and 4 digits made with SMD LEDs in a big format.
PCB manufacturing
After designing the PCB, the next step is fabricate it. We was able to manufacture our PCB using a milling machine available in the lab.
In this subject Solidworks hase been used mainly for 3D designing.
Other tasks performed are the proposed exercises on different topics related to the subject
Here is my contact information
Sharif Al-Husein Raie

Tél : +34 684 028 333